2021 Holiday House Tour
Holiday House Tour - Saturday, December 4, 2021
Thanks to all those who participated in this fundraiser - thanks to the wonderful homeowners, all the beautiful angels and of course all the "tourists" who were so kind and happy to have their holiday spirits lifted so early in the season!!! Funds will go directly into purchasing more materials for next year's displays.
Each of our seven homes had displays unique to the homeowners, from fun to fancy - from nutcrackers and gingerbread, to Mickey Mouse, to Spode and Lennox dining to Waterford and Swarovski displays to unique and colorful displays with collections both handmade and from around the world.
2021 Home Owner Contributors:
Mary Lee & Marty Comey
Linda Bretz
Jane Lutz
Barbara Phillips & Jane
Sandy & Robert Rose
Rona Rushton & Bob
Joanne & Gary Wickberg